Dentysta stomatolog Warszawa Ursynów ADENTIS / Services / Rehabilitation of temporomandibular joints / Teeth relaxation splint
Not every splint cures! A relaxation splint is like ASPIRINA 😊 it doesn’t treat the causes, only the symptoms.
Diagnosis is the most important!! |
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An example is an occlusal bite splint that stabilizes the mandible. The mechanics of the splint’s operation are based on changing the existing occlusion, which results in the exclusion of existing neuromuscular reflexes and the restoration of the function of the masticatory system muscles.
The splint is performed in patients who have an incorrect position of the mandible in relation to the maxilla in order to stabilize the correct bite. Splints contribute to reducing the forces generated on the joint surfaces, thus reducing pain. These are colorless rails.
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The appropriate treatment for teeth clenching depends on what is causing the problem. Depending on the extent of tooth damage and its likely cause, your dentist may recommend:
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Relaxation splint | Relaxation splint on the model |
The Deprogrammerfacilitates the free movement of the lower jaw in a convenient direction, thanks to which the muscles are not forced to set the lower jaw in the position imposed by the teeth, which causes the temporal joints to be moved to a position that does not cause pain.
The deprogrammerfacilitates the free movement of the lower jaw in a convenient direction, thanks to which the muscles are not forced to set the lower jaw in the position imposed by the teeth, which causes the temporal joints to be moved to a position that does not cause pain.
The deprogrammer is a water cushion system designed to relax the jaw. Patients should not bite the splint with great force repeatedly: the teeth should rest freely so that the chewing muscles can relax. If you bite the Aqualizer™ too hard, you can destroy it. It should be worn for as short a time as possible, just to get rid of discomfort, either during sleep or during the day when we experience periods of stress or pain.
• Pain relief confirms the diagnosis: neuromuscular pain caused or aggravated by poor occlusion. Pain relief usually occurs 5 to 10 minutes after insertion of the deprogrammer, especially if the pain is episodic.
• If the pain persists, we wear the deprogrammer continuously for the next 48 hours, except when eating or brushing our teeth. If his symptoms have subsided, occlusive treatment is recommended.
We write down or remember all symptoms related to wearing a splint during a visit to the dentist. Please provide a detailed description of the symptoms after wearing a splint.
• Temporary pain relief splint
We get rid of acute pain by recommending wearing it for no more than 8 hours a day. If necessary, the splint can be worn almost all the time for the first day or two.
We put on a splint when there is muscle pain in the jaw, head, neck, shoulders or when we feel that the pain will appear again soon. Wear twice as long as pain subsides or remove after at least 20 minutes, then remove Aqualizer™ until symptoms reappear
• The deprogrammer is indicated for severe bruxism, only as a so-called tool. biofeedback, designed to break the habit of clenching and/or grinding. If the rail is destroyed within a few hours or a few nights, we are dealing with the so-called parafunctional bruxer/crimper. Aqualizer in such a case is not enough. Another rail needs to be made.
It helps reduce the intensity of reflex muscle activity when clenching and grinding teeth. Muscle overactivity is the source of pain. Once the NTI splint reduces intense muscle contractions, the possibility of grinding or clenching teeth disappears, and thus these characteristic symptoms disappear.
What does the course of treatment look like? – here is a simplified diagram:
The use of NTI is combined with all situations in which the muscular component of strength needs to be reduced. Treatment of tension headaches, tension-type migraine headaches, functional disorders of the temporomandibular joints, bruxism (teeth grinding); reduction of overloads causing cracking of tooth enamel, prevention in the treatment of class 5 cavities, pre-prosthetic treatment, establishment of proper occlusion (deprogramming of habitual occlusion), relief in the treatment of pterygoid defects during implant treatment, post-traumatic treatment, etc.
4 out of 10 Poles clench their jaws or grind their teeth while sleeping. As a result of intense muscle contractions when grinding teeth, PAIN appears.
If you suffer from a chronic headache or migraine, you most likely clench your teeth.
Interestingly, teeth clenching occurs mainly at night and is completely unconscious. If it is not accompanied by teeth grinding, there is no dental injury. Therefore, this cause of headache can easily escape the attention of a doctor, dentist or the suffering person himself. The solution we propose is a small, transparent splint placed on the front teeth (incisors), the so-called “incisor splint”.
First of all, you should fight the cause, not the effect.
One of these hard-working muscles is the temporalis muscle, located on both sides of the head. We use our temporal muscles mainly when chewing or closing our mouths. When we clench or grind our teeth, these muscles tense with great force, which puts strain on the temporomandibular joints, neck muscles, and the teeth themselves. With the gradual increase in overload, the above-mentioned forms of symptoms develop, resulting in a whole range of different ailments.
In addition to reducing headache, neck and jaw pain, you can expect the following positive effects:
• If the source of your symptoms is mainly teeth grinding or clenching at night, you will notice an improvement in the quality of your sleep and you will also notice that you are more rested
• If you take tablets for morning headaches, migraines, neck pain, jaw pain and other types of tooth clenching pain, the need to continue taking medication will be reduced.
• If you find yourself clenching your jaw a lot during the day, you will now be aware of this action and therefore it will be easier for you to avoid it.
• Once the NTI splint has achieved its full effect, you will experience a feeling of increased muscle relaxation, which further improves its effectiveness. You will then feel greater relaxation and less tension in your muscles and temporomandibular joints.
First of all, you need to fight the cause, not the effect.