Porcelain veneers for teeth

Dentysta stomatolog Warszawa Ursynów ADENTIS / Services / Prosthetics / Porcelain veneers for teeth

Tooth veneers are one of those techniques for improving your smile. Veneers allow you to achieve spectacular effects, despite minor interference with the hard tissue of the tooth. In a full arch, approximately 6-8 veneers are usually performed in the anterior section. Once cemented, the VENEERS will harmonize SMOOTHLY with your natural teeth, without leaving any traces of dental treatment. Teeth veneers are made in various shades of white so that you can choose the color that best matches the color of the remaining teeth, which are always whitened first.

Advanced aesthetic reconstructions.

An increasing part of society would like more aesthetic and nicer-looking teeth. A conscious patient chooses minimally invasive treatment methods that protect tooth tissue. In 21st century dentistry, complete tooth crowning is being abandoned. It should be remembered that a prosthetic restoration should last 10-15 years with proper hygiene and follow-up visits, and can last up to 20 years, but our society lives longer and longer, so prosthetics should start with the least invasive techniques possible.
ADHESIVE PORCELAIN VENEERS WITHOUT GRINDING meet the expectations of the most demanding patients. They protect the hard tissues of the tooth and at the same time aesthetically change the appearance of teeth affected by caries, damaged by clenching, affected by trauma, and incorrectly positioned teeth. This form of treatment often replaces tooth grinding for crowns.



licowki porcelain warsaw


Incorrect prosthetic restoration. Prosthetics is an art, pay attention to symmetry. Tooth veneersare the least tissue-interfering prosthetic solution, a thin sheet of porcelain is glued to the tooth, and the patient’s own tooth remains behind. Veneers are effective in correcting large, unsightly problems as well as minor corrections.

Veneers can also eliminate minor imperfections such as tooth shape and hide numerous fillings.

Thanks to the use of the most modern method of adhesive bonding of tooth enamel with porcelain, it is possible to recreate the shape of teeth and give them a natural appearance. A veneer allows you to preserve the most tooth tissue because it is glued to the enamel of your own tooth.

A new smile can change our lives.

Improved aesthetics in front teeth.

Porcelain veneers can be made to “save” a tooth before grinding for crowns. When the tooth has little hard tooth tissue and the patient has worn the teeth, they can be protected with veneers, which will not only restore function and aesthetics, but also prevent the teeth from being ground down for prosthetic reconstruction.


before veneers smile before veneers the patient smile
The patient’s smile at the first visit – before treatment Abraded teeth.
model with veneers model with veneers
Ready veneers on models in the prosthetic workshop Precise workmanship – a guarantee of success!
nawasowanie ready veneers
Waxing – visualization of future veneers. Veneers placed on the patient’s teeth.

Porcelain veneers usually last 10-15 years. Veneers should be checked by your dentist every 6 months during follow-up visits. Composite veneers maintain their aesthetics longer when under the care of a dentist who polishes their surface during a follow-up visit. Over time, the veneer will need to be replaced with a new one. Even though veneers are strongly cemented to the tooth, there are cases of veneers loosening and falling off. In these situations, it is important to keep the veneer and contact your dentist immediately.

For veneers to last longer, it is important to maintain oral hygiene. You should also visit your dentist regularly

Porcelain veneers are made of an extremely durable, translucent material – porcelain with an appearance similar to natural tooth enamel in terms of color and tactile sensation. Porcelain veneers are not susceptible to carious defects and are resistant to severe discoloration, so over time, the new smile remains white for many years.

Planned change in the shape of teeth. Veneers are most often performed in the following cases:

  • multiple erosions and cervical defects,
  • traumatic fractures of the incisal edges,
  • unaesthetic fillings on the facial surfaces of front teeth,
  • gaps between teeth
  • correction of teeth settings,
  • conical teeth,
  • enamel hypoplasia
  • discolorations, e.g. after antibiotics, which cannot be removed by bleaching,
  • lengthening and brightening of teeth worn down with age.
  • thanks to the increasingly modern materials used to make veneers, the list of indications for their use will grow.

Advantages of porcelain veneers:

  • They retain a permanent color and shine, they do not discolor.
  • They create unlimited possibilities for individual characteristics.
  • They require minor preparation of the hard tooth tissue.
  • They provide exceptional marginal tightness.
  • They have high abrasion resistance.
  • They give a very good aesthetic effect.
  • They are compatible with periodontal tissues.
  • They cause a significant improvement in patients’ well-being after treatment.
  • Provide a White Smile for many years.
