Midline asymmetry may result from dental and functional bone disorders.< /p>

Good diagnosis is the basis of good treatment.

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Our goal is your health.


Source:Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis: Concepts & Clinical Diagnosis , Farhad B. Naini

Source: Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis: Concepts & Clinical Diagnosis , Farhad B. Naini

The midline of the teeth and skull is a very important element.

A transversely narrowed jaw may cause displacement of the lower jaw.

The patient presented with a crossbite on the right side, significant asymmetry of dental arches, an unaesthetic smile and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints.

Thanks to orthodontic treatment and physiotherapy, all irregularities were corrected.

Dr. Alexandra Gabren

Maciej Iwanowski, M.A

