Widening the jaw with orthopedic appliances

Jaw narrowing is one of the most common abnormalities affecting the masticatory system. It is manifested by a high and narrow palate, crossbite, crowding of teeth and also occurs in an open bite. The most common causes of this abnormality are sucking and mouth breathing habits, as well as genetic factors. When we smile, we should see teeth number 6 to 6, but if we see less, our jaw is narrowed laterally. In such cases, separation of the palatal suture is used. For this purpose, orthopedic appliances are used, which release forces across the palatal suture. New tissue begins to form at the edges of the separated palatal suture, which contributes to the widening of the jaw.


Adult patient – transverse maxillary expansion with simultaneous rehabilitation of the entire stomatognathic system.

Treatment with orthopedic braces is possible at any age. When a person is born, he has soft bones (e.g. fontanel) and hard seams change with age. The bones become hard, but the seams that connect the bones become soft, which is why bone regeneration is possible at any age. Just like a broken leg or arm heals, a jaw or mandible can be rebuilt.

before treatment too narrow jaw and receding mandible
Before treatment – too narrow jaw and receding mandible During treatment, the jaw was widened and the lower jaw was protruded

Jaw widening

dilating the jaw with orthopedic braces

 jaw widening
