Adhesive bridges

Dentysta stomatolog Warszawa Ursynów ADENTIS / Services / Prosthetics / Adhesive bridges

Adhesive bridges (minimal tooth grinding)

Nothing is better than nature. We cannot cheat it or replace it. The treatment cannot be worse than the disease.

Adhesive prosthetics is based on:

  • tissue sparing (mini-max),
  • leaving healthy tooth tissues and rebuilding lost tissues,
  • on restorations without a metal framework.

Traditional prosthetics include:

  • destruction of healthy tissues,
  • hard tissue loss
  • more common biological complications.

Adhesive prosthetics:

  • porcelain veneers
  • three-quarter crowns
  • endocrowns
  • onlay
  • adhesion bridges
  • glass fiber bridges

 Prosthetic treatment nowadays should interfere as little as possible with the hard tissue of the patient’s teeth.

Prosthetics should be based, whenever possible, on the principles of modern adhesion, which minimizes the possibility of complications and guarantees that the patient’s own teeth, as the pillars of prosthetic works, will be more durable. You should avoid grinding your teeth or making crown-root inlays.
Due to the extended lifespan of our population, our teeth also need to last longer. You should keep this in mind before hastily grinding your teeth for crowns or bridges.
Adhesive works are porcelain prosthetic restorations without a metal framework. The metal cannot create adhesion to the teeth, so these are cemented works. Zirconium is also a metal, it cannot adhere.
Prosthetic works should serve the patient for a decade, there are no prosthetic works for life, just as we do not buy a car for life. With proper hygiene and thanks to the conscientiousness of patients who follow the doctor’s recommendations, such prosthetic work lasts longer, even for 2 decades, depending on the patient’s conditions and at what stage he registered for prosthetic treatment.

Therefore, before we decide to grind teeth for crowns, we should consider whether it is possible to perform work based on adhesion.
The treatment cannot be worse than the disease, therefore the destruction of tissues during tooth grinding, when it can be avoided, is unforgivable.

adhesion bridge
Plaster model. Adhesive bridge.
adhesive bridge
