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We have an EPIDEMY of malocclusion in children.
90% of children have malocclusion,
This means your child has a malocclusion.

occur in 40-60% of the general population.
Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints
is becoming a disease of civilization.




Do you want to make an appointment?

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    Make an appointment for a consultation

    pani doktor Aleksandra Gabren Syller

    "Bene dignoscitur, bene curatur." "Good diagnosis is the basis of good treatment."

    pozdrawiam Aleksandra Gabrel Syller
    Indywidualne podejście

    Individual approach to the patient

    Szeroki zakres usług

    A wide range of services

    Wykwalifikowany zespół

    Qualified team

    Dogodne miejsce parkingowe

    Convenient parking space

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    A multi-level view of the patient.

    Cooperation of specialists:

    • orthodontist,
    • surgeon,
    • physiotherapist,
    • speech therapist,
    • laryngologist.
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    FUNCTIONAL ORTHODONICS is the prevention of malocclusion and posture in children.
    Functional orthodontics is the RIGHT development of your child!

    • It is the restoration of normal function.
    • It’s proper breathing (through the nose)
    • It’s correct chewing (restriction of paps)
    • It’s correct swallowing (mouth closed)
    • It’s correct posture (straight back and head)

    It’s limiting abnormal habits (thumb sucking, teeth grinding, nail biting, clenching jaws, breathing through the mouth, snoring, hunching, scoliosis)


    Many factors influence facial development. During the growth period, it is difficult to change facial features significantly of the face if the abnormalities are severe! As the child grows we have an impact on facial development!

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    We can modify the face, we can improve and we can fix the normal growth of the craniofacial!

    Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) is so common that we can say it has become a disease of civilization!

    Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is a collection of symptoms such as:
    jaw joint pain, headache, temporal pain, neck pain, crackling in the joints, restriction of joint mobility (limitation or even loss of mouth opening) and asymmetry of mouth opening movement. A very bothersome and dangerous symptom is tinnitus.

    We work with: